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Network News Briefs

Network News is a quarterly newsletter designed to connect you to the emerging Improvement Science Research Network (ISRN)—the first nationwide collaboration of clinical and academic leaders devoted to generating a robust science to accelerate quality improvement in hospital patient care.


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Note from the Director

At your request, Live the ISRN Mission goes out monthly, inviting member-action toward our mission of advancing the scientific foundation for our field. Read Article >>



ISRN Study is Answering the Call to Get to Zero

An ISRN study led by Steering Council member Lily Thomas, PhD, RN, and her academic partner, Patricia Donohue-Porter, PhD, RN, is answering the call in chasing zero. This study Cognitive Load, Interruptions and Distractions on Medication Administration Errors, will help answer the question of how and why medication errors occur. Is it possible to reduce the number of medication errors to zero in such a complex healthcare industry?
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ISRN – A Partner on the Road to Magnet

Contributed by Vivian Low, MPH, RN-BC, FPCNA, ISRN Steering Council Member
I have had a unique perspective on the various aspects of building investigative culture for evidence-based practice. Serving as an ISRN Steering Council Member, chairing the hospital Nursing Research Council, sitting on our Hospital Magnet Committee, and managing my own clinical unit has pointed out the challenges for the bedside clinician’s time and resources, to the larger goals of research and discovery. It’s all part of the Magnet Journey. Read Article>>

Amplifying the Patients Voice in Our Network: The Batz Guide for Bedside Advocacy

Each year, approximately 200,000 people die and another 1.5 million are injured due to preventable medical errors made in hospitals. In 2009, one of these errors took the life of Louise Batz, the namesake of the Batz Foundation. From that point on, her family took it upon themselves to find a way to ensure no other family had to suffer through such a tragedy.
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The ISRN Resources: A “Natural Fit” for DNP Research

ISRN members have access to an extensive library of capacity-building resources, the content of which aligns with modern undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. DNP programs, in particular, are focused on the same priorities as the ISRN - delivery system improvement. Read Article>>

Photo of the Summit


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San Antonio, TX

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