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Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation Launches the Batz Guide iPad App
The Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation has created the Batz Guide iPad App. The purpose of this app is to provide a tool that aids families, medical staff, and patients to monitor care in real time. In addition to monitoring medication prescriptions, the app will enable a patient to set alerts and triggers that will remind them of medication times while striving to prevent dosage errors (over dosage or wrong dosage).
The app was released on March 15, 2013 and became "the third most downloaded paid for medical app in the iTunes store in less than 1 week. " - Laura Batz Townsend,Co-Founder and President, Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation.
The app also acts as a digital library allowing a person to look up terms they are not familiar with. The app is filled with everything from videos to articles that help users learn more about the risks associated with things such as high blood pressure and undiagnosed sleep apnea, as well as pictures and charts that illustrate how to spot kinked IV lines and unplugged leg compressors. In addition, by tracking vital signs such as temperature, an individual will be able to transfer the vital signs to a graph in order to help a medical team better follow trends and concerns over shift changes. This indicates that if there was a steady but slow rise in temperature over several hours, a new doctor would be able to quickly identify the patient as a risk for sepsis, thus decreasing the likelihood of the patient being permanently harmed or killed.
Visit the Apple iPad App Store to download the Batz Guide iPad App. After you download the app, rate it so others may know the benefit of this amazing tool. Share this with your friends and family, make sure to recommend it to everyone you know who is visiting a hospital. Download the app>>
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