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Members Only Web Seminar Library



The Improvement Science Research Network (ISRN) Web Seminar series explores issues in the field of improvement science, provides updates regarding ISRN activities, introduces new tools and research paradigms, and solicits input regarding new directions for research.

Reducing Readmissions:New Frontiers in Care Transitions

July 2, 2014

With the increase attention spent on reducing re-hospitalizations researchers from across the country are coming together to study methods to re-engineer the discharge process. Leading the way is a group of researchers from Boston University School of Medicine directing Project Re-Engineering Discharge, Project RED.

This web seminar will present how Project RED came to be, the demostrated results, experiences in implemetation, and finally discuss new frontiers in care transitions. 

ISRN Web Seminar: Improvement Science: Getting to "HOW"

March 24, 2014

This webseminar presented by Dr. Carolyn M. Clancy describes the urgent goals of improvement science in terms of the National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Healthcare and patient safety targets.

Dr. Clancy outlines the resources and strategies for "getting to how" to implrove health care, health outcomes, and value. 

Case Study Follow up on “Improving Our Work IS Our Work”

February 27, 2013

This web seminar presented successful case studies in follow up to the most popular web seminar on Improving Our Work IS Our Work: Creating a Climate for Improvement.

  • Part I: The Macro, From the Top Down – National VA Improvement Initiatives
  • Part II: The Micro, From the Bottom Up – Applying the VA Improvement Structure at the Local Level

Improve Healthcare: 5 Helpful Tips from Systems Engineering

November 14, 2012

The need for dramatic improvement in the healthcare delivery system is urgent. The recent report, “Industrial and Systems Engineering and Health Care: Critical Areas of Research” (AHRQ, 2011) outlines how systems thinking can play an essential role in improving the safety and efficiency of care. Join the ISRN for this web seminar looking at improving healthcare delivery through applying systems engineering principles.

Healthcare Transitions and Coordination:
Early Readmission, Effectiveness, Economics

Part 1: Transitions in Patient Care

June 27, 2012

Part 2: Coordination in Care

August 22, 2012

Patients with chronic conditions often need care from numerous healthcare professionals across multiple settings of care. These patients often transition between hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, primary provider offices, and home to obtain the care and services they need. Studies show that such transitions jeopardize patient safety and quality of care, stemming from incomplete or inaccurate transitions and uncoordinated care. The challenge is to improve transitions and care coordination to reduce preventable readmissions and other inefficiencies that contribute to escalating costs. The two-part webinar series will address Coordination and Transitions of Care, an ISRN Research Priority and emerging topic of research, which affects every patient that is hospitalized in our nation’s healthcare system.

Quality Improvement vs. Research:
Regulatory Issues in Improvement Science

January 25, 2012

The Code of Federal Regulations defines research as a “systematic investigation…designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Activities which meet this definition constitute research for purposes of this policy, whether or not they are conducted or supported under a program which is considered research for other purposes.” Determining whether hospital based quality improvement is research is a difficult decision to make.

Improving Our Work is Our Work: Creating a Climate for Improvement

September 28, 2011

"Improving our work IS our work" is a motto that is spreading across nursing care in the Veteran's Affairs Health Care System. Nurses are at the forefront of patient care and thus need to be up to date on current practices and trends to improve the care their patients recieve. Also, serving as an advocate for the patient, the nurse is in the unique position to be a liaison between the patient and the healthcare system. Surely there are examples of successful improvement initatives that have been implemented in the VA system. This web seminar presents the strategies the VA has taken to give frontline nurses the tools and the skills to lead change from the bedside and creating a climate for improvement.

Team Science: Creating Successful Collaborative Teams

May 25, 2011

Though such large-scale research can produce ground breaking results, it also presents challenges in forming highly functioning and effective teams across multiple disciplines and geographical barriers. The field of Team Science provides a wealth of information about creating and maintaining successful teams that the ISRN will apply to collaborative research studies.

Uniting Frontline & Leadership Capacities to Improve Care

February 16, 2011

Operational failures, or work arounds, in acute care setting results in a large amount of time wasted not to mention delays in the delivery of care. A smattering of research has been done on this topic, with much of the research led by industrial engineers studying the effect of work flow, unit layouts, accessibiity and staffing. Previous studies have reported that operational failures come in the form of 6 major categories: equipment/supplies, physical unit/layout, information/communcation, staffing/training, medication and other. This web seminar presents current research that is being done by engineers to reduce nursing work arounds and its impact on the healthcare system.



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